Welcome to Desbarats!

Desbarats is a community with a permanent population of 400 in Ontario, Canada located on Highway 17 approximately 30 kilometres east of Sault Ste. Marie. The community is part of Johnson Township and home to the famous Desbarats Caves. Read about a visitors trip.

Desbarats blossoms in the summer, attracting tourists and visitors from across Canada and the United States. The area in and around Desbarats is peppered with seasonal residences.

While most major shopping and industry occurs in Sault Ste. Marie, Desbarats is home to a vibrant farming industry, and has services such as a grocery store, gas station, hardware store, restaurant, and full postal service.

Recently, several Mennonite families have moved to Desbarats from Southern Ontario and become a welcomed addition to the town. Now produce, fresh vegetables, eggs, honey, maple syrup, and leathergoods have become available in town.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bag a Better Breakfast

Enjoy at Breakfast Buffet on Saturday, March 22!

8:00am - 12:00pm

Johnson Township Recreation Centre

More Info: 782-6601